Medical Spa

Spa therapies blended with medical treatments by doctors.
The synergistic effect in a private setting over 8 weeks.

Lifting - Contouring


Brilliant Cut Therapy

Brilliant Cut Therapy

Like the Brilliant Cut, a diamond-cutting technique developed in the late 17th century that established diamonds as premier gems, our 8-week program specializes in lifting and contouring, completing your beautifully radiant line.


Medical treatments and spa in one space

Tailored to each individual, combining two types of lifting devices with contouring injections and Botox to correct asymmetry and excess fat. Regular facial spas enhance treatment effects, refining a smaller, more beautiful facial contour.

Expected Effects

Elasticity improvement, facial contour refinement, asymmetry correction, smaller face

Treatment Duration

50 - 90
minutes per session

Treatment Frequency

Every 7 - 10 days.
4/8 session programs

Skin Regeneration - Hydration


4C Diamond Therapy

4C Diamond Therapy

A diamond’s value is determined by four factors: Color, Clarity, Carat, and Cut, known as the ‘4Cs’. Discover your radiant diamond skin through Lé Diamant’s customized 8-week anti-aging program.


Medical treatments and spa in one space

It is tailored to each individual, combining two types of regenerative lasers with regenerative ampoules and moisturizing factors. Regular facial spas using ‘OCURAKOSE’ products and LDM ultrasound management rejuvenate and brighten the skin.

Expected Effects

Skin regeneration,
pore reduction -
wrinkle reduction,
smoother skin texture,
improved hydration

Treatment Duration

70 - 120
minutes per session

Treatment Frequency

Every 7 - 10 days.
4/8 session programs

8 weeks Program?

Experience the dramatic lifting effect in 8 weeks, meticulously designed to maximize the synergy of medical treatments and spa therapies.